Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So whats up?
Nothing great! Have you ever realsied loe costs you few things! Infcat many and all of them!
What happened ? anything wrong?
uhh! You know what ! Nothing just leave it!
I feel lost!
So do I!
I ahve lost my passion for owrk..I dont know why I am working! I like the field but just that things are just not fitting in! I am fed up of cribbing of everybody! including me!
I go to office and just waqit for the 7.30 so that I can come out! I dont know if its the effect of pressure/my incapability/loss of enthusiasm/ people/etc
But the thing is .......I dont feel like going to office! Its 9.22 and I am still not ready! I dont know wht would I gain from this behaviour! At stake is definitely ...nyways

The law of love and laws of freedom
I often remember you...in my weird dreams too!
The open sky and deep water..fresh air and long routes
I loved that all on last weekend..

I know I never gained any feeling from your side..
But its that too much of space is left unutilised!

If I am good I am good
When I am in my own world..pls dont come to me
I am not a statue to laugh all the time as you want
This restlessness if has some meaning..
Its that face.and voice..I try to be a stranger to!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Got late?
Yeah! No worries..had gone out for dinner with him!
So hows it going?
Well..good He has ..:) I dont know what he has..apart from the fact that I like him so does he!
Love is blind hann :D
:D You can say so! He likes to wear goggles at night also!
Bad joke!
No really! I dont know why but he really does that! Nyways.Hows work?
Working on a new Add campaign! And this time the product is "POTS" I mean Pots to plant your plants!
Yup! Some new comer in the industry has come up with this idea of custom made POTS!
Choose your own colour, designs, labels, type, etc and ofcourse type of plant! Get them ready in your own way! If you want to be too sure, they will come home and make it for you! Isnt that interesting! Reap money before you sow seeds or plant others trees! :)
Woolah! So hows he? Cute!
Ahh! As long as he is paying me good ....well meeting at lunch hour tomorrow to discuss my ideas!
And so you are sowing your own seeds! hehe..:D
Shut up! :P I don have time for all this crap!
Lets see darling! I am sleepy now! ..(phone rings )..yeah..hmm..ok I will be there tomorrow..